Cisco CCNA (200-301) v1.1
Cisco CCNA (200-301) v1.1 Overview
This comprehensive CCNA 200-301 (v1.1) Certification Course is designed to prepare students for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam, equipping them with essential networking knowledge and hands-on skills. Covering both foundational and advanced networking concepts, this course provides a thorough understanding of the latest industry trends and technologies, including IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, automation, and programmability. Emphasis is placed on IPv4/IPv6 routing, switching, wireless LANs, network security, and automation techniques.
>> (Music) Welcome everyone to
the new CCNA. That's right,
in August of 2024, the CCNA
revised to a 1.1 release,
and this course is all about
preparing you for that very
latest CCNA. My name is Anthony
Sequeira, and I will be your
subject matter expert
throughout these episodes.
You'll see that I am joined
with by Lauren Deal, our
incredible host here at ACI
Learning, and she'll function
very much as a learner
advocate, asking me questions
and making points as we go
along through this material.
I have been teaching Cisco
Systems Technologies for
decades, and in fact, about,
oh, I'd say 12, 13 years ago,
I achieved my Cisco Certified
Internet Work Expert
certification, and this makes
me darn qualified to deliver
these episodes to you. We will
be examining every single exam
objective for you in detail in
this course. So if Cisco states
that you need to know how to
configure or verify a
technology, we will teach you
how to configure and verify
that technology. Should the
exam topics mention something
like understand or explain, we
will be covering the theory of
those topics for you in detail.
Every episode is going to have
downloadable study notes for
you, and here is where I can
enhance the video content,
giving you additional
information that can help
ensure your success with this
This course is ideal for those
students that are interested in
achieving Cisco certifications,
but it's also very valuable for
those individuals that just
want the education in these
topics. We will be providing,
where appropriate, real world
type scenarios that involve
these technologies, so it's not
just those interested in
certification that can benefit
from this course.
Just like the exam objectives,
this course is broken up into
six different modules. These
six modules have different
focuses like network access
versus IP connectivity versus
IP services. So thanks to this
modular format, you'll be able
to easily drill in just to that
content that you are interested
in. Well, I have so much to
share with you regarding the
CCNA in the episodes that
follow. Let's just get to it.
This comprehensive CCNA 200-301 (v1.1) Certification Course is designed to prepare students for the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam, equipping them with essential networking knowledge and hands-on skills. Covering both foundational and advanced networking concepts, this course provides a thorough understanding of the latest industry trends and technologies, including IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, automation, and programmability. Emphasis is placed on IPv4/IPv6 routing, switching, wireless LANs, network security, and automation techniques.
Learning Style
On Demand
Practice Test
Skill Lab
Length of course
21h 9m
87 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Course Overview
- Network Fundamentals
- Network Access
- IP Connectivity
- IP Services
- Security Fundamentals
- Automation and Programmability