Cloud Architecture
Cloud Architecture Overview
In this Cloud Architecture module, students will learn the basic concepts regarding modern cloud implementations. Students will learn about cloud service models, service availability, and much more.
(Music) Welcome and thanks
for joining us for this
overview for this module on
cloud architecture. I'm Sophie
Goodwin and I'll be your host
for most of this module.
You might see somebody else
filling in this role depending
on the episode, but whoever's
in this spot is going to be
functioning as a learner
advocate for you, asking
questions along the way that
you might have watching at
home. But of course, I'm not
alone here. A man who needs no
introduction, but I'm going to
give him one anyway, Anthony
Sequeria is going to be our
subject matter expert for this
course. Anthony,
tell us a little about
yourself. Sure. My name is
Anthony Sequera, as you heard,
and I am going on my third
decade of teaching IT related
subjects. We're going to be
discussing cloud, which is a
great thing because I've been
teaching a lot of cloud tech
over the last, I'd say 15 years
or so, as cloud has exploded in
popularity. Prior to teaching
things like cloud, I am big
into networking as well as
server-based operating systems
and things that go along with
Okay. Well, it's good to know
that we're in good hands
learning about cloud
architecture. Anthony knows
what he's doing.
But Anthony, specifically,
obviously your knowledge spans
a pretty wide scope. What are
we going to be learning in this
course? Yeah. Cloud
architecture is going to be
walking you through
how things get done in the
cloud. So we'll be talking a
lot about virtualization.
We'll be talking a lot about
things like how is storage done
in the cloud? How are databases
done in the cloud? We'll
discuss the as-a-service models
and some of the basics of cloud
today. But don't fear, we are
going to be doing lots of
demonstrations and giving you
lots of meaningful content when
it comes to how you'd actually
be operating in today's cloud
Speaking as somebody who's
still a novice in some areas
and maybe intermediate in
others when it comes to cloud
and cybersecurity and things
like that, what level should we
be at coming into this course?
Is there any prerequisite
knowledge we should already
Yeah. Well, it's
interesting. As far as cloud
goes, you don't really need
previous cloud experience to be
just fine with this module.
But as far as computing and
networking go, it would be
great if our audience had an A
plus or the equivalent
knowledge. You know, we won't
stop and define like what a PC
is compared to what a router is
or a firewall. And this is the
kind of information that you
can get out of an A plus
environment. Remember, if you
do have questions, we've got
the IT forum where you could
ask those questions of us and
your peers. So have no fear.
I would love for students to
take this module even if they
are maybe lacking some of the
prerequisites because again,
they can get their questions
That's true because even if
you're not familiar with some
of that information, it might
mean a little bit of bonus work
on your end, just kind of
getting up to speed, but we can
still have a ton of fun in this
module. I'm looking forward to
it, Anthony. I think that's
going to do it for this
overview. So thanks for giving
us a heads up into what we can
expect. And thank you for
joining us. We'll see you in
the course.
In this Cloud Architecture module, students will learn the basic concepts regarding modern cloud implementations. Students will learn about cloud service models, service availability, and much more.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
5h 2m
27 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Course Overview
- Cloud Service Models
- Service Availability
- Cloud Networking Concepts
- Storage Resources
- Cloud-Native Design
- Containerization
- Virtualization Concepts
- Cost Considerations
- Database Concepts
- Optimizing Workloads
- Evolving Technologies