ACL Galvanized Diligent Scripting


This course is intended to help scripters support internal audit departments and improve their testing processes, and reviews the scripting process from planning to development to interactivity and export. Participants will review the basics of data mining, including how data mining can be used to support audit initiatives. Participants will also work to hone their decision-making skills with respect to data mining and assess how audit objectives align with the data mining process. This course covers topics associated with script planning, including file formats, file import naming conventions, import types, and associated file clean-up. Once planning is complete, this course reviews files and commands that can improve script development and efficiency. Finally, participants will review different methods and best practices for improving script interactivity, including variables, date ranges, filters, and operators. The course includes several live demonstrations that directly correlate to real world scenarios that scripters and Internal Auditors will face in the field. There is no CPE available for this course.

Learning Style

On Demand



Who this course is for

Internal and external auditors, compliance professionals and elementary scripters attempting to develop their starting scripts to support an audit department.

Length of course

7h 36m
25 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Course Overview
  • Planning Your Data Mining Script
  • Developing Your Data Mining Script
  • Making Your Scripts Interactive
Learning Options

Options for this course

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