Innovation for Audit Managers
Innovation for Audit Managers Overview
Change is inevitable. You must innovate in the pursuit of your business objectives. Managing the risks and implementing appropriate controls increases the likelihood of success in the short and longer terms. Internal auditors must understand the dynamics driving these changes, how innovation drives modern organizations, and how it affects the efforts to provide reasonable assurance to the board of directors, management, and other stakeholders. Learn how innovation helps you plan and execute audit assignments while strengthening and protecting value and managing risk. Embrace, adopt, and thrive in change.
0h 5m
In this ever changing world,
it's important for
auditors to stay relevant, to come
up with new ideas, to be innovative.
Hello, I'm Kathy Chambers,
edutainer for ACI Learning.
Joining me is Dr. Hernan Murdock.
Welcome Dr. Hernan.
Nice to be here with you.
Let's begin by learning more about you.
Can you please tell us
a little bit about yourself?
Yes, I've been in the profession for
many years, in fact, decades.
And over the years I have audited
a variety of different industries,
everything from manufacturing to
telecom to hotel and hospitality.
I've done a lot of work in
the United States and abroad, small and
large organizations.
And as I've been in this profession for
so many years, I've also seen a lot of
the transformation that has happened.
I am certified as an internal auditor.
I also have certification in
risk management assurance.
And I bring all of this as I have
researched a lot of topics that have
impacted the profession over the years.
Some of my books involved tools and
techniques for internal auditors,
which I have updated many times to make
sure I reflect a lot of different tools
that we can use to be more
effective in our work.
Also were books on
management techniques and
different things that are impacting
the profession as an operational auditor.
So as we talk about innovation,
I look at it as a concept.
I see it as a practice and trend.
And I also see it as something that
provides a lot of opportunities for
us to be able to increase our awareness
of what the possibilities are.
And how we can rebrand ourselves and
help internal audit
become a better contributor to value
creation in their organizations.
these lessons that you've put together for
our viewers are really exciting
because it talks about innovation.
Why is it so
important to be innovative as an auditor?
The world is changing.
Organizations are changing and adapting to
the world in which we now live and work.
And internal auditors need to be
responsive to a lot of these dynamics.
There are a lot of different
things that need to be looked at
within organizations and
expectations continue to increase.
Our stakeholders expect more from us.
We need to think differently and
act differently.
We need to help the organization make
decisions that are going to help them
be successful in the short,
medium, and long term.
So by looking at it from
an innovative perspective,
we're able to then think in terms of how
we can go about making internal audit
a better player,
more valuable contributor.
And helping internal auditors do
a better job at what they need to do.
One of the best parts about these
lessons is that you introduce the viewers
to all these amazing tools.
Can you give us kind of an example or
behind the scenes look at what our
viewers are going to learn from this?
Yes, so some of these tools
are geared towards managers and
what they can do from the perspective
of helping to mobilize their staff,
generate ideas, how to prioritize
the dynamics that they want to focus on.
And how they can include
the staff in this process.
Some of these are also going to be outward
looking in terms of how we can help our
clients also, so we can facilitate these
conversations more effectively with them.
And then some of these are some of the
things that we can then consider in terms
of enhancing our policies and
our procedures within audit.
New tools that auditors can use as they're
going about their work, doing assurance,
and doing consulting work.
So a lot of different dynamics from
a management perspective, from
a practitioner perspective, how we can use
them within audit, and outside as well.
Gotcha, Hernan,
can you expand on what our viewers are
going to learn about working with clients?
What are some innovative ways or maybe
things that they haven't tried before that
they'll learn throughout these lessons?
A big part of this is changing
the way we think and how we proceed.
So we have a long tradition in internal
audit of doing things a certain way.
We have our methodologies, we have our
tools, and they go to tools from that
perspective in terms of what we
usually use when we're doing a review.
But there are so
many other things we can do.
So part of it is thinking creatively
about what we need to get answers to.
And then what tools are going
to be helpful to us and
able to accomplish these things.
As managers,
we need to know these things, but
we also need to be able
to mobilize our staff.
So the idea is to help us
think more broadly and
how the tools that are going to help
us get these things accomplished.
What are some things that our viewers
will learn as they try to take all
these ideas and
have them be sustainable, right?
Have them not change and make them
effective within their organization.
What are some lessons that
the viewers will learn there?
So part of it is going to be how to
make sure we broaden our horizons and
how we are going to think more
creatively about what we need to do.
But not only to think about these things,
but also how to implement them, and
implement them sustainably.
So that they are going to stick and they
are going to help us elevate our work and
be able to then become that next level
from which we're going to continue to
grow and improve.
So the idea is to think about
new ways of doing things,
being able to implement them effectively,
and make sure that those things are going
to give us the value that we hope
that these ideas are going to create.
And hopefully, they will.
Thank you so much Dr.
Hernan for putting together
all of these great lessons.
To our viewers, we hope you enjoy them
in innovation for audit managers.
Learning Style
On Demand
Who this course is for
Audit Managers, Compliance Experts, and leaders in Internal Audit departments who want to develop new audit approaches, expand current skills, re-energize the focus of audit activities, and learn innovative tips, tools, and techniques.
NASBA Certified CPE
16 credits
Field of Study
Length of course
Advanced Preparation
34 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Change Enablement
- Strengthening the Evidence We Obtain and Use
- Expanding Our Role
- Management and Leadership in Internal Audit
- People, Processes and Tools
- Achieving a Higher Level of Thinking
- The Three Lines Model
Learning Options
Options for this course
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ACI Learning is registered with NASBA
ACI Learning is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: