Apple Certified Support Professional macOS 11
Apple Certified Support Professional macOS 11 Overview
Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) certification confirms the candidate's understanding of macOS's core functionality as well as having the ability to configure key services, perform basic troubleshooting, and support multiple users with essential macOS capabilities. Candidates for this course may be in a role of help desk professional, technical coordinator, or power user who supports macOS users, manages networks, or provides technical support for the Mac.
You're watching IT Pro TV.
Hello, thank you for watching IT Pro TV.
I am Zach and this is Don and
we're talking about
Apple Certified Support
Professional Mac OS 11 for
big sur great, great course.
And Don tell us a little bit about
yourself before we get going.
All right, so I'm Don Pezet, I am
co-founder of IT Pro TV, but also one of
the entertainer's here, I have worked with
Apple computers for a long, long time.
I actually supported an Apple network for
a law firm back in 1995, and so
I've been working with Mac
in a professional since for
over 25 years now and
it has been quite a ride.
Really exciting technology
to work with but
also hold certification from
other vendors like Microsoft,
Cisco Project Management type stuff
doesn't really apply that to the Mac side.
But I have worked in the field as well,
I've had to support Mac like this and
that's really what this series is
all about supporting Mac computers.
So it's a fun one and
one that I've got a unique background
he certainly has
the credentials to do just that.
Now, I'm Zach Memos, I've been with
IT Pro TV, going on four years,
just about four years.
Very heavy broadcast background, radio,
television, even motion pictures.
I do have a lot of experience working
in the IT field here at IT Pro TV.
I've worked with Don on previous Apple
courses and I'm so glad to be here, but
enough about me.
Let's talk about this course, Don,
what can the learner gain from
viewing the whole course.
Alright well you can gain a lot is
really gonna be focused on how you manage
Macs on the network.
Now, you support them, so if you work
in a business that has Max deployed and
you're the person people call
when they have problems.
Well, we're gonna run over all
the different things you need to know
about a Mac to keep them healthy,
happy and running smoothly.
So that's one big thing that you can
gain if you're coming from a Windows
background and moving into Max.
This is a great course to get you ramped
up on how everything works under the hood
so you can kinda learn the mechanisms and
actually use these yourself.
But if you're somebody
who's been using Max for
a while already you'll
still gain something.
Because you'd be surprised the various
features that your users dig into and
there's a lot of features
that are hidden underneath.
Mac OS is easy to use, interface that
we'll get a chance to see all throughout
this series as well as special
troubleshooting tools to help you find and
isolate and hopefully resolve
problems that your users have.
I'm already excited about it and
I've been in every episode [LAUGH] so as
we move on, how is the course structured,
how are the episodes structured?
So we follow our standard
20 minute episode timeframe so
every episode is broken up
in that 20 minute window.
And we're gonna run through things kind of
what I consider start to finish to start,
we're going to focus on how to get
Mac OS installed on a machine,
some of the different
installation options.
Then we'll talk about how we do the
initial configuration, get it connected to
the network and other settings that are
required just to get the Mac ready to use.
Once sensor will move into more advanced
things like creating user accounts and
groups, managing permissions,
installing software,
configuring security settings on the map
to make sure it's secure as possible.
Each of those we're just gonna handle
piece by piece as we go through, so
you can watch the series as a whole if
you want or you can just jump right
into a particular area if you just
want to learn about networking,
jump right into that networking section.
And then at the end we're going to focus
on troubleshooting all the different
things that can go wrong in Mac OS land.
We'll talk about using technologies
like time machine diagnostic mode,
target mode and all these other various
functions that are part of Mac OS to be
able to fix our problems and
get our systems back up and running.
those are a lot of terrific episodes.
And now what about practice
labs exams downloadable.
Alright, well, unfortunately due to
Apple's licensing, we can't do practice
labs on this one, they only allow you to
virtualize Mac OS running on Mac hardware.
But if you already have a Mac, you can
spin up Macintosh virtual machines and
create your own labs at no cost,
very easy.
If you're on a Windows machine,
it's a different story,
you can use services like AWS where they
have hosted max that you can remote into
an experiment with their as well.
Practice exams are not available for
this one either that's
because it's just not honestly, it's not
that terribly popular of a certification.
Is a very valuable cert and
an extremely useful but
the Apple market share is smaller
than Windows in other places.
There's not a practice exam for this one,
but otherwise you can go through
the course, we do have our full Q and
A forums and other resources available.
If you have questions,
you can ask them, well,
make sure you get the answers you need.
Fantastic, so there are some
downloadable is available to you as well.
All right, let's talk about this,
you mentioned briefly certification,
there's a certification here,
I'm guessing it's ACSP.
[LAUGH] that's right.
Alright, so Apple has scaled back their
certification program quite a bit, and
this is one of the only
certifications left from Apple.
The Apple certified Support Professional
and there used to be a number of courses
you could pick from and different tests
you can take to get that certification.
Now there's only one.
The official course is called the Mac OS
Support Essentials is the official Apple
course that you can take and
then the exam is
the Apple Certified Support Professional.
This course on IT, Pro TV is
designed to help get you ready for
the Apple Certified Support Professional
it covers all of the content included in
the Mac OS Support Essentials course.
But it also covers some
additional materials and
things to get you really ready for
that exam in and really ready for
the real world where things are a little
bit different than an exam.
So that's our goal is to get you ready for
it when you're ready when you take
the course you understand the material
you're comfortable with it.
Then you can go and schedule the exam
through Apple, actually it's administered
through a company called On View and
On View has locations all over the world.
Hopefully you can find one near you or
you can take it remotely,
you can actually do the exam online.
Jump over to Apple dot com
to find the details on that,
you can register through them and take
the exam that's all handled through Apple?
Not through IT Pro TV.
Well I'm excited about this course and
like I said earlier I've been in every
single episode but
Don why are you excited about the course?
I just I love Apple computers,
they're really cool underneath.
They run UNIX and so that's an area that
I'm really comfortable in and so I like
having the best of both worlds, a good UI
on top of a powerful operating system.
So Macs are really wonderful and I just
love giving people a chance to learn about
new computers and
how to interact with them.
As do I?
Well, listen, if a CSP Mac OS
11 big sur is something that
you should be interested in,
you should be interested in it.
I'm Zach Memos, I'm done present and
thank you for watching.
Thank you for watching IT Pro TV.
Apple Certified Support Professional (ACSP) certification confirms the candidate's understanding of macOS's core functionality as well as having the ability to configure key services, perform basic troubleshooting, and support multiple users with essential macOS capabilities. Candidates for this course may be in a role of help desk professional, technical coordinator, or power user who supports macOS users, manages networks, or provides technical support for the Mac.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
11h 58m
42 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Installation and Configuration
- User Accounts
- Data Management
- Networking
- Applications and Processes
- Troubleshooting and Support