Cisco Certified DevNet Associate (200-901)

Cisco Certified DevNet Associate (200-901) Overview
The Cisco Certified DevNet Associate (200-901) show is produced to help the software developer, networking professional and IT professional to achieve the latest Cisco certification offer, the Cisco Certified DevNet Associate certification. It will help you to learn about the core Cisco platforms used, Cisco Programmability strategies, working with applications and working with APIs. Though there are no formal prerequisites for the exam, it is recommended that you have one or more years of hands-on experience in developing and maintaining applications.
Clock icon0h 5m
You're watching IT Pro TV. [MUSIC] Welcome to your certified Cisco DevNET show right here on IT Pro TV. We're about to give you a brief overview of what we'll actually be taking a look at in the show. So I'm here with Mr. Justin Dennison who's going to be well it's just me the majority of the content. So Justin tell us a little bit about yourself. So I'm here to provide my development expertise. Now you'll notice that Ronnie said a majority of the time there are some things that I know enough about to be dangerous but not enough to be maybe the teacher of. So Ronnie will take place on that. But as far as for why am I the one providing the development content? Been in development for five plus years. It's been going great. I've built many things and one of my lumps is automating processes. Well, Ronnie, why are you here? All right. I'm here as the engineer type right? So I already know about Cisco. I've been teaching these types of courses for a long time on the CCNA CCNP level. I'm a certified Cisco Systems instructor. So I've actually been around this exam area, especially in the Cisco world for a long time. I enjoy working with the product and we've actually done a lot of these. And Cisco's certified DevNet Associate is one of these exams that I would really like to earn myself. So I'm going to be a learner as much as you are on the show as well. So I'm going to bring my expertise in the areas of the networking side that we still need to keep in mind just in case somebody's actually looking at this and go, I need to know a little bit about networking. Well, I'll be actually doing that as well. Okay, so Justin when we start taking a look at it, why is this a good course for somebody watching? This is a great course as an entry point into this software-defined networking or networking automation space, which is a huge push. Maybe, you know a little bit of programming. Maybe you don't know much. Maybe you know whole lot of program but not a lot of networking. This is a great place to see how those things coalesce and you'll be validated by obtaining an exam right? Obtaining a certification but you'll also learn how do I automate, how do I see these pieces connected together? I think it's going to be an incredibly exhilarating experience. All right, so how do we break this course down so it's going to be meaningful to everybody? As far as meaningful, we took a note from Cisco. We did a little bit of rearrangement here and there but it's all there and just to show you what that looks like, let's take a look at my screen. I've searched for 200 901 exam the first one there and I've come to the exam topics. All right so these exam topics are software development design. That's me, understanding using APIs, also me. Cisco platforms and development. That's a little bit of me and Ronnie. Application deployment security, me. Infrastructure automation, me. Networking fundamentals, that's all Ronnie, right? So what we're doing is we're simulating how we're taking this and simulating how an organization may start using network automation, network engineer, some software developments or someone who knows how to program. We're coming together to learn these and build these automation tools. So that's what's in store for us. Now each one of those have a little more kind of details but high level, that's where we're going. All right now and there's also the idea here of as we get ready for the exam, what are some of the details we should look at and we actually can find some that information right on Cisco website, right? Absolutely and I just want to make sure we're talking about the exam, right? Yeah so over here on their exam topics, there's this overview tab, right? And if we come to the overview, hopefully yours doesn't take as long to load. You'll find out a little more about the exam. So it's the 200 901 development or developer. Excuse me, DevNet associate my goodness. I am a developer. It's 120 minutes, it's English administered by Pearson VUE. If you're outside the United States, you may want to be careful because currently it is $300 for us. That price may vary, testing options may vary, so definitely check. As far as the exam type questions, multiple choice, multiple select, fill in the blank simulations and semblance or small simulations are the types of questions that you should be prepared for. That's as much as we have right now, right. You'll notice February 24th, 2020, we're not there yet, so coming up. All right Justin as we start to think about it. I'm getting excited about this show because I'm really interested in learning about these topics that are really going to be impacting the networking industry. So I'm actually excited about doing that and learning more and as well as obtaining that certification. Justin, what about you? I'm excited about being able to provide tools and methodologies for working consistently, reliably, scalably, but also lazily as weird as that sounds. Automation is about being lazy, lazy is about efficiency as far as I'm concerned. So all of those are wrapped up I want to teach Ronnie. How can he be a little more lazy with automation using tools? All right, well you heard it right here. And that means we are ready to get started for our Cisco certified DevNet Associate and if you are, all it is is one click away in the next episode. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for watching IT PRO TV.


The Cisco Certified DevNet Associate (200-901) show is produced to help the software developer, networking professional and IT professional to achieve the latest Cisco certification offer, the Cisco Certified DevNet Associate certification. It will help you to learn about the core Cisco platforms used, Cisco Programmability strategies, working with applications and working with APIs. Though there are no formal prerequisites for the exam, it is recommended that you have one or more years of hands-on experience in developing and maintaining applications.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

15h 44m
58 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Software Development and Design
  • Understanding and Using APIs
  • Application Deployment and Security
  • Infrastructure and Automation
  • Network Fundamentals
  • Cisco Platform and Development