Examining Operations in the Cloud
Examining Operations in the Cloud Overview
This course is designed for IT professionals seeking to learn the essentials of cloud operations. Learn to monitor and analyze cloud environments, adapt resources to meet demand, and safeguard data with backup and recovery methods. The learner will gain insights into provisioning, maintaining, and decommissioning cloud resources, providing a solid foundation for managing cloud environments effectively.
(Music) Welcome and thanks
for joining us for the overview
for this module on Cloud
Deployment. We're going to be
taking a look at some of the
Cloud Deployment basics that
you'll need to know. I'm going
to be your learner advocate for
some of these episodes. My name
is Sophie Goodwin, you'll also
see Ms. Lauren Deal in this
spot as well. We're going to
function as a learner advocate
for you, so you can follow
along at home and hopefully,
we'll ask the questions that
you might have. But one
constant throughout this
course, it's going to be Mr.
Wes Bryan. He's going to be our
subject matter expert. Wes,
tell us a little about
Sure. I've been teaching
instructor-led training for
about 15 years now. I've done a
traditional instructor-led
training, including things like
you're watching now in an
online environment. I've been
teaching a variety of subjects,
Cloud-based subjects, Microsoft
subjects, CompTIA subjects,
a variety of the industry
leading vendors and
certification, and then
focusing a lot on skills-based
training. I'm looking forward
to helping you in your journey
as you maybe turn your sights
on a career or starting out
your career in Cloud
A deployment in Cloud
technology is definitely a big
thing right now, and I think
it's only going to continue to
get bigger and become more
important for us to understand.
So Cloud deployment could be
broad, it sounds vague. What
specifically are we going to be
covering in this course?
Most definitely, it's a big
generic term here, but there
are some specifics. We'll look
at things like deployment
models and examining those
various deployment models and
some of the considerations
around them.
We're also going to look at
some deployment strategies as
well. How do we take our assets
and maybe move them and shift
them around, whether it's
on-prem, in the Cloud, or maybe
the vice versa. Maybe you're
going from the Cloud back to
on-prem, maybe you're going
Cloud to Cloud, maybe we're
doing some Cloud provider
shopping. So we'll look at some
of the deployment strategies.
We'll also look at Cloud
migrations as well, and some of
the subtle differences in the
terminology and help you
understand and identify
concepts around performing
Cloud migrations. We're also
going to look at things too
that as big inside of Cloud
today, is more of the
programmatic control over the
infrastructure. So we'll look
at things like concepts
surrounding code-based Cloud
deployment and configuration.
How do we provision devices and
then how do we perform
programmatically? Then finally,
what we're going to look at are
some considerations around
provisioning Cloud resources,
and some of the things that you
should be able to identify and
be aware of all right here in
this course.
Now, for those that are
watching, maybe this is
something that you've been
working with Cloud related
stuff for a while. This is, you
know, like the back of your
hand, maybe this is the first
time you've heard the term
Cloud. So
when we're coming into this
course, where should our skill
level be so that we're ready to
consume this information?
Sure. So from a Cloud
standpoint, you don't have to
really know much about Cloud,
which is good. If you're just
starting out or maybe you're
already in a support role and
you just want to take your
skills a little bit farther,
well, the good thing is you
don't have to have really any
training in Cloud. But there
are some, there is, I should
say some assumed knowledge,
You have to have an
understanding in basic
computer, computing
environment, right? Computers,
servers, workstations, you have
to have a basic understanding
of networking because we're not
really going to dive too much
into those concepts. It's going
to be assumed that what you're
going to find out is, how do
those concepts apply to the
Cloud, right? Well,
we're going to have to know
that ahead of time. We're not
going to teach you what
subnetting is or TCP IP,
or what is the difference
between a computer and a
server, right? You're going to
have to know some of that
information. But past that,
just come with your pen and
paper in hand. If you don't
have some of these, say you
don't have some of those
skills. Well, guess what?
This is still for you as well.
But just keep in mind that
you're going to have to
backfill some of that
information because like Ms.
Sophia said, Sophia, Lauren,
and myself, we're not going to
spend a lot of time in those
categories. What we're going to
do is assume you already know
that information, and then
we're going to move and we're
going to look at the
applicability in the Cloud.
Even if you don't, we'd
still love to have you join us
for this course. But like Wes
said, it might just be a little
bit more work on your end as
you go through these episodes.
But as far as just getting a
sneak peek into what we're
going to talk about, I think
that's pretty much going to do
it. So Wes, thank you for
giving us a heads up into what
we can expect in this course on
Cloud deployment. Thanks for
joining us for this overview,
and we'll see you in the
This course is designed for IT professionals seeking to learn the essentials of cloud operations. Learn to monitor and analyze cloud environments, adapt resources to meet demand, and safeguard data with backup and recovery methods. The learner will gain insights into provisioning, maintaining, and decommissioning cloud resources, providing a solid foundation for managing cloud environments effectively.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
3h 2m
10 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Course Overview
- Achieving Cloud Observability
- Examining Cloud Scaling
- Applying Cloud Backup and Recovery Methods
- Managing Cloud Resource Lifecycle