COBIT 2019 Foundation

COBIT 2019 Foundation Overview
Meet your hosts of the COBIT 2019 Foundation course. Daniel Lowrie and Chris Ward will explain what this course is all about and what is in it for you!
Clock icon0h 5m
WEBVTT You're watching ITProTV. Greetings everyone and welcome to the overview of our COBIT 2019 series here that we are going to have at ITProTV. And I'll just start off with introducing myself and then we'll get to this fine young gentleman right over here. I'm your host for the series, which will be my name is Daniel Lowry. I've been in IT for quite a few years now, well over 20. I specialize in cybersecurity. That's kind of my shtick, but I also like to dabble in these arts that my main man over here also likes to do. So hopefully I'll help contribute to the conversation. That said, Chris, why don't you introduce yourself with the good folks out there know who you are. Yeah, absolutely. He's dabbling in the dark arts. I like to say my name is Chris Ward. I am an agitator and one of the other hosts around here at ITProTV. My area of expertise is project management, IT service management and oh, hey, what we're going to be talking a little bit about here and that's IT governance and risk. And so these are the areas that I do a lot of training with. Also have a little bit of a technical background back in the day. This Cisco, the Microsoft, the whole CompTIA 9 yards and have been teaching for over 23 years. And so enjoy this aspect of being on ITProTV because we get to talk about cool stuff and I'm excited about this course. All right. Well, that sounds like fun. Let's talk a little bit about what's in it for these good folks out there. Why do they want to tune in? What are they going to get out of this course? Well, this is all about enterprise governance and IT. And the reason why this is important is because a lot of times people think that because IT is tech and it changes so rapidly that you just hey, you go with the flow, whatever the new hot sweetness is. That's what we're going to be doing. And oh, there's cool stuff over here. Oh, there's cool stuff over there. But in reality, businesses can't pivot at the speed of tech unless they have good governance guidelines, parameters, policies that help direct them to keep them on track with the strategy and the goals of their organization. And so what COBIT 2019 is, is this umbrella framework that helps us get to what they call EGI IT or Egypt. It is enterprise governance in IT. And that's what this course, it's a foundation certification course. That's what it's all about. All right. Well, it's definitely going to be really interesting. So we're glad you tuned in. If you could give us some idea of the course goals and the structure of the series. Yeah, definitely. The, you know, basically kind of breaking it down. We're going to talk about COVID as an IT governance framework. Like I just mentioned, we're also going to be talking about some of the principles, basic concepts of the difference between a governance or governance framework and a governance system. We're going to be talking about things like design factors and focus areas. We're going to talk about, get this, tailoring your enterprise governance for your particular organization. Because a lot of people think, is it a one size fits all? You just tell people not to do this and make sure you do that. And that's how it works. Hey, everybody's different. You have different industries, different countries, different markets, different insert this, you know. And so how do you do that? You utilize COBIT 2019 and that's what we're going to be looking at as well with designing that tailored governance system. We're also going to talk about implementing an enterprise governance in IT, a nice high level view and preparing you for the COVID Foundation Certificate exam. That brings me to my next question. There is a certification exam. Yes, there is. That is attached to this lovely little course. Tell us if you could tell us about the experience that we're going to go through. Well, OK, the exam, very simple. questions. You get two hours. This is done through, which is the organization that owns the intellectual property of COBIT 2019. And you're going to be able to sign up for that. And it's the easy type of questions. They're called the easy button. You know, here's a question for possible answers. Pick the best answer. And you only need a 65 percent to pass. So it's a very liberal passing score. And again, it's an entry level. It's an introductory type of approach. There are better ones that are, I should think, better, but greater knowledge necessary for other ones. But this is the one that we just start off with. All right. Well, last but not least, tell us why you're excited about this course. Well, you know, I kind of hinted at it. It's the fact that a lot of people look at governance and they say, "OMG, this is going to be boring as washing paint dry on the wall." And it's not. It actually helps you be more efficient, effective. It helps save money. It helps you're not spinning your wheels doing stuff. Instead, you can get your job done in a way that is more effective. And that's what I love about enterprise governance in IT. All right. Well, Chris, we do thank you for all that great information. I know I'm excited about it as well. Hopefully you are as well. And we do look forward to seeing you in the upcoming series. Thank you for watching ITProTV.


COBIT provides the latest thinking in Enterprise Governance of Information & Technology (EGIT) and is a comprehensive source of guidance, tools, models, and resources to help business leaders achieve their objectives for effective IT governance. This course helps you prepare for the COBIT 2019 Foundation Certificate.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

6h 12m
33 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Introduction and Course Overview
  • COBIT as an IT Governance Framework
  • COBIT 2019 Principles
  • Basic Concepts: Governance System and Components
  • Performance Management in COBIT
  • Designing a Tailored Governance System
  • Implementing Enterprise Governance of IT
  • COBIT in the Real World