Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac

Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac Overview
Excel 2016 is the powerful spreadsheet application in the Office suite. It seems every organization, large and small, uses Excel to organize and analyze data. However, many users are intimidated by Excel and confused by how it behaves as an application. The Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac series strives to empower users by learning the foundations to conquer this program. We begin with basic skills such as navigating the interface, identifying items in a spreadsheet, selecting cells, and inputting data. The series also covers formatting text and numbers, modifying a worksheet layout, printing and page layout, and managing worksheets in a workbook. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks for experienced users as well.
Clock icon0h 6m
[SOUND] Hello everyone and welcome to Excel 2016 essentials for Mac. I'm your show host Vonn Smith and in this course overview, we're going to be talking about what exactly is covered in this series. Who is our target audience? Do we need to know anything before we get started and any extra tidbits I have for you. As you can see, there's only two main topics that we have in this particular series. We have the introduction and format work books. But there is quite few things that we talk about in each one of those. In the introduction we start from the very beginning of like, what's Excel? What's the history of Excel? What's the file format? Then we get into some other basics within the Mac operating system. We're still using Windows, and what is the application window versus the worksheet window and how to navigate around that. And the interface of Excel, what is the ribbon, where is the quick access toolbar, where is the status bar, how do I get to the zooms and everything. So that's all within those particular episodes. Then we're gonna get into navigating a workbook. How do I get around? What's the name box? How can I use that to get to particular cells? Using the keyboard to help us get around to be a little more efficient and productive with getting around a particular workbook and worksheets. And the all important, how do I select things? We're gonna spend quite a bit of time within that particular episode about different ways that we can do that, again, with keyboard shortcuts, how to use your mouse to select to effect. Cuz you've gotta make sure you know where to select before you can do anything. Then we're gonna get into actually inserting data into our cells. How do I type values in? How do I edit them? We'll also be covering fill series, which is really fun, and different ways that we can go ahead and quickly get in things like the days of the week and the months of the year. We also have an episode on cut, copy, paste. Yes, an entire episode on it. You're thinking, hm, really? Well, in Excel, it can get a little tricky. And there's some little gotchas in there that you need to be aware of so that way you can understand what it's doing when you copy something and paste something. Especially when you get into your rows and columns. And then we'll talk about file formats and how to export, which is really to just save as, and really talk about the CSV file format at length. Then we get into how do I format things within a workbook? Starting with modifying the structure of your worksheets. How do I add or delete columns or rows? How do I change the widths of columns and rows? We'll also get in to how to merge cells. Then we'll move on to formatting. We'll be formatting our cells with font, color, size. We'll also do a little bit more with horizontal and vertical alignment. We'll also talk about styles. I love styles and how they can be really handy and helpful for formatting your data within your worksheets and workbooks. Then we get into the all important number formats, okay? A big deal within Excel. A very important concept and topic to understand, so we have some good information there. Then we go into page layout for printing. Now, yes, this is a spreadsheet application, but you are normally or most likely going to be printing, so we need to know those different options. We'll get into page breaks and how do I do shrinking and how do I fit things on pages that you want to have printed. And we'll also talk about managing our workbooks, meaning, how do I rename my worksheets? How do I change the tab colors and organizing them? So who is this for? This is for all Office users, with a capital O, meaning you're using Office 365 or a locally installed version of Excel. And this would be starting at the basics, I mean, we'll start from the very beginning and move up. So I would say this would be for anybody that has some basic skills and want to move up into the intermediate level of knowing Excel. I would say that would be the target audience. Do you need to know anything? You need to know a little a bit about how the Mac operating system works. So it's a general understanding of like where is the Finder and to open and close files. We do cover that on our episodes as well. You don't need anything of Excel to get started. Maybe you've used it a little bit and want like a refresher course or just different ways of doing things. This is a great series to start with that. And maybe familiarity with other Office products could be helpful. Not imperative. Just you wanna start somewhere from the beginning in Excel, this is the series for you. There's always other options of how to do things in all of your Office programs, Excel included. Everybody has a different reason why they want to use Excel and how they use Excel. So, I am trying to show you from just a practical standpoint of how to use this particular product. So, just do be aware that everybody has different reasons for using them and that kinda ties into the different options. Updates do happen, yes. Because this is an Office 366 product, there is going to be updates. So, at the time of this recording, I have a particular version. When you're watching it, there might have been some more updates, and so things might be a little bit different. So definitely check about your versions and where to find what version of Excel you are working in. We talk about that in the introduction episode within this course. So just be aware of it. And, of course, there's tons of information about Excel online through the different Microsoft help files and other websites. So definitely use the Internet to your advantage to search for answers. And of course, have some fun. Excel can be frustrating from time to time. I can understand, I have been there. But hopefully going through these episodes, you'll have a better understanding of it. And I like to have fun, I hope you have fun and I hope you learn a lot and I will see you soon. [MUSIC]


Excel 2016 for Mac is the powerful spreadsheet application in the Office suite. It seems every organization, large and small, uses Excel to organize and analyze data. However, many users are intimidated by Excel and confused by how it behaves as an application. The Excel 2016 Essentials for Mac series strives to empower users by learning the foundations to conquer this program. We begin with basic skills such as navigating the interface, identifying items in a spreadsheet, selecting cells, and inputting data. The series also covers formatting text and numbers, modifying a worksheet layout, printing and page layout, and managing worksheets in a workbook. While this series is designed for beginner users, it has lots of great tips and tricks for experienced users as well. This series is specifically for locally installed Excel 2016 on Mac OS.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

10h 0m
21 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • Introduction
  • Format Workbooks
Learning Options

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