Google Cloud Platform - Associate Cloud Engineer
Google Cloud Platform - Associate Cloud Engineer Overview
In this episode, you learn about exactly what this Google Associate Cloud Engineer course covers and how this information can help you in your work with IT today.
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Welcome to ITProTV.
That's right,
you are watching, well, Google Cloud
Platform Associate Cloud Engineer.
And we are here, of course,
to give you an overview of what
is expected, and what is to come.
I'm your host, Ronnie Wong, and
I'm here with Anthony Sequeira today,
as we get started.
But here's a little bit of an overview.
So let's go ahead and get started.
So Anthony, as we get started here,
okay, I know that you're
great in the realm of Cisco.
You've got your CCIE.
But cloud, tell me a little
bit more about yourself, and
this particular class that
we're gonna be doing.
Yeah, so I have become
hooked on the cloud, all right?
Yeah, so like so
many people, I got my start in Cloud
Technologies with Amazon Web Services.
And then being a Microsoft
certified person,
I quickly jumped headfirst
into the world of Azure.
And I am just super thrilled to round
out the big three with
Google Cloud platform.
So yeah, and
I'll probably do IBMs Cloud next.
I mean, it's just really,
really exciting technology, and
I'm thrilled to be doing it with
you here at ITProTV, Ronnie.
All right, yes, and
I'm actually gonna be here.
I know a little bit about the cloud,
I've worked with Office 365.
I'm more into that particular realm
of actually dealing with the cloud.
But overall though, I'm excited to
learn this particular technology,
as well Google Cloud Platform.
You and
I have talked about this over time.
But I'm gonna be taking the role of
actually what you are, which is gonna be
the student, because I'm gonna be
learning a lot here, getting my hands in.
So I'll try and ask questions
that are actually relevant to me,
as well as to you,
to make sure that we actually get started.
All right, so Anthony as we continue on,
as far as our overview goes, right?
So if somebody is watching this,
you're saying well,
what am I really gonna get out of this?
Is this just gonna be
an overview of things?
What am I really gonna get out of this?
this is an incredible course, Ronnie.
This is your first step in
the world of Google Cloud, and
I compare it to the first step
in the Amazon Web Service world.
What's interesting about that
is that their first step in
AWS is the cloud practitioner.
And it's a lot of like high level
overview stuff, which is fine.
But what's interesting about
Google's first step for
us here is that we are gonna
get quite in-depth on the core
services that take up the GCP,
the Google Cloud Platform.
And you'll hear Ronnie, and
I say GCP a lot, just cuz it's so
much easier to say than
the Google Cloud Platform.
So we go deep into
the Google Cloud Platform.
In fact, Ronnie, I've got set up for
us here, just to walk through of what
our learners can expect out of the five
major domains that make up this exam.
And it was a really perfect course
flow for Ronnie and I to follow.
Sometimes you see exam objectives,
and Ronnie and I will look at them and
go we can't teach it in this order.
That makes no sense.
But Google did a great job with
these domains of putting them
in a common sense order.
We get started with setting up
a cloud solution environment, and
we're gonna really have three
main areas here how to deal with
the structure of stuff in
Google's public cloud.
And then making sure you don't run
up a massive bill, and you could
do that with any public cloud vendor, and
then making sure that you understand.
There's a powerful CLI component.
It's really interesting.
When we learn public cloud,
I don't care which one of the big
three you're starting with.
When you're learning,
you want to be in the console,
in the graphical user interface.
That is a great way to learn.
But then as you get more proficient
with the cloud technology,
you tend to start wanting to use the CLI,
cuz you're just gonna be so much faster.
It's like Ronnie and I with Cisco routers.
We can use the GUIs, but we are so
much faster at the commandline interface.
So we're gonna see that
same paradigm here.
Also, what I'm gonna add Ronnie to
this first section, right up front,
is we are gonna do a nice introduction
to what makes public cloud so exciting.
what makes Google Cloud's offering so
So we'll do a little intro before
we dive right in in section one to
actually making projects, and
organizations, and all that stuff.
So the upfront stuff like getting started,
if you will,
then we quickly move into domain two,
which is planning and configuring.
And notice a big part of
planning is gonna be, once again,
really making sure you
understand the cost component.
Yes, cloud is almost automagically cheaper
than on-prem type infrastructures.
But you really need to understand
how the cost is gonna be calculated.
And oftentimes, we see that folks
are doing something in their public
cloud implementation, and
they could be saving a lot of money.
I think what happens is this.
They're like, my gosh, look at how much
money we're saving by moving to cloud?
But then they don't do their homework in
the cloud, cuz they could save even more.
So we'll be taking a look at that,
and planning compute in data and
network resources.
And then Ronnie, we move right into
the by far most massive section,
and that is deploying and implementing.
We'll be looking at traditional type
compute, like virtual machines.
But then we quickly move to one
of the shining stars of GCP,
and that is Kubernetes Engine.
That is a major reason why so
many flock to GCP,
that incredible
Kubernetes Engine we'll look at.
The next section there, App Engine,
Cloud Run, Cloud Functions.
This is an area called serverless compute.
And if you're not familiar with that,
we'll be covering it in
the very next episode.
Data solutions, including data analytics,
network resources, and
a really cool tool called
the Cloud Deployment Manager.
We'll be running through all of
that in that massive section three.
And then it's just a joyous
type finish sections four and
five go quicker, as we look at ways
to ensure that everything's working.
There's a lot of awesome monitoring
capabilities that we have, Ronnie.
So we'll run through all of that in
section four, and then we wrap it
up with a really important grouping
of tech that we're gonna talk about.
And that is security.
There's this huge concern that most
have as they're moving to the cloud.
And that is, my gosh, we're gonna give up
security in exchange for cost savings.
And that is truly a myth,
cuz I've just seen it time and
time again, where if the entity
that is moving to cloud
understands the cloud security,
and they really do it, right?
It's almost always the case that
their security from their own
on-prem has now just improved greatly.
So please understand, if you do it right,
your security can improve
with your move to cloud,
not go backwards, or stay the same.
And that should definitely be our goal.
We don't wanna just save
costs by moving to the cloud.
We don't wanna just be faster to
market by moving to the cloud.
We don't wanna perform more
efficiently by moving to the cloud.
We also want to improve security,
not take a security hit.
And so it's great that we wrap up
with real security centric topics.
Now, remember that, this particular
overall course that we're doing,
also, it's gonna be helping
people to prepare for
that associate cloud engineer
certification from Google.
And there are a few details that
you definitely wanna know about.
This exam is about 50 questions,
as well as 120 minutes in duration, so
right about 2 hours.
At this point in time,
US dollars, about $125 as well.
But you can take it anywhere that you're
actually allowed to take it on this planet
that will actually have it.
And it's through that criterion testing
center is what you'll actually see.
And it's offered in six
different languages.
So just take a look, do a web search
on criterion testing centers, and
that will get you the ability to register,
and get ready for that exam too.
So Anthony, it sounds like
you're excited to get started.
I sure am.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's gonna be great.
And thanks for those exam details,
and thank you Google for
not pricing your exam at $400.
Ronnie and
I have taken a few of those lately.
So it's nice that that
the exam is a reasonable fee.
Compared to other training vendors.
And It's also great, Ronnie,
that we'll have our students ready.
Our focus is you using, and
succeeding with Google Cloud platform.
But guess what?
We'll get you ready for the test too.
Sounds great.
I'm excited to also getting started, and
learning a little bit more about
Google Cloud platform as well.
Well, that will do it for this episode.
So signing off for ITProTV,
I'm your host, Ronnie Wong.
And I'm Anthony Sequeira.
We'll see you in the very next episode.
Thank you for watching ITProTV.
The Google Cloud Platform - Associate Cloud Engineer course targets those individuals looking to learn to deploy applications in the Google Cloud Platform. The course also assists learners in how to monitor operations and manage enterprise-scale solutions. This course also ensures the learner understands how to use both the Google Cloud Console as well as the command-line interface to perform solution deployment, maintenance, and monitoring. While it thoroughly prepares its students for the Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer certification, it is also a valuable guide for your production cloud workloads.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
8h 3m
33 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Setting Up a Cloud Solution Environment
- Planning and Configuring a Cloud Solution
- Deploying and Implementing a Cloud Solution
- Ensuring Successful Operation of a Cloud Solution
- Configuring Access and Security