Hands-on BGP

Hands-on BGP Overview
BGP is the protocol that routes the internet. This show will introduce you to BGP as the protocol of the internet, how to get it up and running and then verify that you have BGP working. Though the configuration is simple. The choices you have to route are all dependent upon policy decisions you make.
Clock icon0h 1m
WEBVTT You're watching ITProTV. (upbeat music) - Welcome to our Hands-On BGP Show. That's right, I'm Ronnie Wong, and we're gonna actually be taking a look, of course, at diving into BGP itself. So what we're gonna be able to do in this show is show you how to get it up and running very simply, and then, of course, begin to build and into more intermediate and advanced skills that will allow you to continue to work with it not only in a lab setting, but also in a production network. So we'll be covering, of course, basic types of information, like how do we actually begin to form peerings, and what's the difference between IBGP and EGB peerings? We're also going to show you how to actually establish those things, as well as the nature of using things like your loopback addresses to form peerings as well. We're also gonna begin to jump into the different path attributes and show you how it is that BGP itself works in giving you the ability to essentially manipulate the routes that we actually end up choosing in terms of our BGP neighbors. We'll also, of course, dive into the advanced features, such as building in how do we actually work with BGP communities? How do we actually do MPLS Layer 3 VPN BGP as well? We'll be using route reflectors. We'll be taking a look, of course, at other configurations such as backdoor routes, as well as using Unsuppressed Maps to help us do a little bit more traffic engineering. So if this sounds like something that you'd like to actually begin to do, make sure you click on the very next video. Thank you for joining me. Thank you for watching ITProTV.


BGP is the protocol that routes the internet. This show will introduce you to BGP as the protocol of the internet, how to get it up and running and then verify that you have BGP working. Though the configuration is simple. The choices you have to route are all dependent upon policy decisions you make.

Learning Style

On Demand

Length of course

8h 10m
30 Episodes

Here are the topics we'll cover

  • BGP Basics
  • BGP Intermediate
  • BGP Advanced Features