Project Management Professional Prep - 2021
Project Management Professional Prep - 2021 Overview
In this course overview, Chris talks about what this series of episodes will cover and what the PMP Exam is all about.
You're watching ITPROTV.
Well it is 2021 as we record this
brand new PMP preparation course.
I'm Chris Ward and thank you for
joining us here at ITPROTV.
Where the pros go to learn,
about not only IT but
also about things like project management.
And IT service management in this course,
is of course all about how we can
get you ready for
that project management professional exam,
that is offered by PMI,
the Project Management Institute.
So just to kind of get it started off a
little bit and kind of give you background
about what is it that you can expect, over
the next umpteen episodes of this course.
First off, the fact is is the reason
why we're doing this is because there
is a brand new exam out there,
starting in January 1st, 2021.
Actually I think it was on the second,
because that was probably a Monday.
The PMP exam updated, and
this is not just one of the little
small updates where they change
a few of the process names or
maybe add a knowledge area or
move some things around.
This is actually a fairly large update.
And so part of the reason,
is because PMI conducted what is known
as a global practice analysis or GPA.
And they found a lot of these areas, in
project management today are unaddressed.
More importantly I would say
they took a look and said,
we don't really talk about Agile, at all
as a project management methodology,
and it is huge especially
in the world of IT.
One of the nice things that you're gonna
find, is we're going to have a couple of
a, I would say it occasionally
some special guests,
that actually work in the world of IT.
The do projects, so
work in the world IT, there we go.
They also do projects and they understand
the agile and scrum, mindsets.
So some of that is going to be very
important because, when they did the job
task analysis there at PMI, they said,
hey, we really need to cover these areas.
There's a lot more going on in
the world of software development and
application development, services and IT.
Now hey, we still build bridges, we still
build homes, we still do those things in
manufacturing, in other areas that are
also projects, so predictive or waterfall.
Project management, is still out there and
it's still on the test.
We will talk about in our
very first episode Zac and I,
a little bit about what you can expect
on the examine issues like that.
But it has significantly changed,
and that's why if you just go in and
think, they've just changed a few things.
I'm going to grab my pin bach guide,
the sixth edition,
the Project management body of knowledge,
that's the guy that we're talking about,
and I'll just read through it.
Maybe take a couple of practice exams and
go take that exam.
You will be sorely
disappointed with the results.
I can almost guarantee that.
So, instead what we are going to do is,
we are going to cover all the new
changes that are in the exam.
We are still going to cover the content,
and the vocabulary, and
kind of more of project management
terminology that you need to know.
But the actual exam is we're gonna
see in our very first episode,
deals now with three domains.
And so we're going to find out how
they're going to take those domains,
break them down into both.
I would say a 50/50 split of your agile,
you're predictive.
And how do we take those two and
say how do we respond in one way or
how would you respond in a different way?
We're gonna learn all about that
in the upcoming episodes here,
in the PPMP exam preparation course for
I'm Chris Ward and,
we'll see you through this series.
Thank you for watching ITPROTV.
Thinking of taking the latest PMP exam? This course is custom designed to help you prepare for the latest edition of the Project Management Professional exam released in 2021. Learn the Domains, Tasks, and Enablers for both Predictive and Agile projects to help you be successful.
Learning Style
On Demand
Practice Test
Length of course
21h 59m
108 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Introduction and Overview
- Introducing Agile
- Project Management Terminology
- People
- Process
- Business Environment
- Exam Prep