Protection of Information Assets
Protection of Information Assets Overview
This is the fifth of five courses that help prepare you for the ISACA Certified Information Systems Auditor certification. In this course you will look at the key components that ensure the CIA triangle (confidentiality, integrity, availability) of Information Security is maintained. You will learn the proper design and application of logical and physical access controls, network infrastructure security, and the role of the IS auditor in regard to these procedures.
Hey, everyone, and welcome.
My name is Anthony Sequero with
ACI Learning, and I am thrilled
to be here with my good friend
of many decades, Chris Ward, as
we are going to be discussing
the protection of information
assets. Chris, before we get
started, how about a little
background about yourself?
I know you're qualified to
deliver this content, but why
not share a little bit about
yourself with our students?
Yeah, thanks, Anthony.
Always good to be back with
you, and I know we can now
measure this in decades.
That's a scary thing, my
friend. That is a scary thing.
But part of the reason why
Anthony and I have been working
together for decades is we both
have been working in the
information technology world
and also in information systems
for years and years. And one of
the things that I bring to the
table here for this course is
my background in project
management, IT service
management. I am a PMP, project
management professional, agile
certified professional,
professional scrum master.
That's kind of the project
management side of things.
And then in IT service
management, I am an ITIL 3
expert and an ITIL 4 master.
So working in that realm.
And part of that, of course,
is working with the world of
audit, especially when we're
talking about information
systems. And so that's kind of
my background of what I want to
do. And Anthony, I know you've
got quite the background in
security and governance as
Yeah, I did not go as deep
into these subjects as Chris,
of course, but I've got my feet
wet with this, and it's great.
And it's interesting, just as
Chris has come from, he didn't
really play this up much, but
he comes from an incredible IT
background as well. So he is
the perfect person to be
leading us through this
So Chris, as you look at this
content on the protection of
information assets, what is it
that gets you most excited?
What are you most excited for
in this course?
Well, I think one of the
things that-- I mean, almost
anybody who steps into this,
they come maybe from a
financial audit standpoint.
Maybe that's you. Maybe you're
here just because, hey, I want
to get some CPEs, maintain my
status. Or maybe this is a
world that you know that,
hey, technology, especially
information technology and
information systems, it's
starting to take over almost
everything. And so having that
background is good. So what
excites me the most, as Anthony
says, is that some of the
things that I learned in the
world of IT, working in Cisco
and Microsoft in the CompTIA
world, when it comes to things
like encryption and the public
key infrastructure, well,
how do we make sure that our
organization is in compliance
to both policies as well as
regulatory requirements that
come down from anything from
the federal government here in
the states to local governments
making requirements for privacy
and data protection? And so
those are the things that
really excite me about this,
because we are truly talking
about protecting the assets
that our organization has in
the realm of information.
Because really, that's what
we're looking at, right?
Information systems,
information technology, that
big word right in front,
information is huge. And so in
these episodes, as we go
through both Anthony and I,
we're going to walk you through
some of the things as an
auditor that you're going to
look at maybe from a slightly
different perspective. Of
course, hey, if you want to
have somebody go in and set up
your public key infrastructure
maybe internally, or maybe you
want to go out and use the
cloud, hey, Anthony Sequera is
one of the people you want on
your team. I can come in and
help out with some of the
policies and controls, and
that's what we're able to do.
But see, it's a different
perspective than somebody who
is actually maintaining or
installing or implementing
these things. We still need to
understand as auditors the
basics behind this. And so
Anthony, that's what we're
going to be covering
in these episodes. Super
exciting, important courseware,
and it just gets more
important, it seems like with
every passing year, this type
of information is just so
critical. Well, we've got a lot
of great content planned for
you. So with no further ado,
we'll wrap up this
introduction, and we hope to
see you in the very next video.
In this course you will look at the key components that ensure the CIA triangle (confidentiality, integrity, availability) of Information Security is maintained. You will learn the proper design and application of logical and physical access controls, network infrastructure security, and the role of the IS auditor in regard to these procedures.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
8h 2m
27 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Information Asset Security and Control
- Networks, Data Encryption and Techniques
- Security Event Management