Word 2016 Mail Merge for Mac
Word 2016 Mail Merge for Mac Overview
This course takes a deep dive into mail merge within Word 2016 for Mac. Mail merge is a powerful function to batch process personalized letters or emails as well as create mailing labels and envelopes. The hosts take extra time to explain the different types of data sources that can be used, how to create letters and emails, how to add images to envelopes and labels, and apply rules to extend the capabilities of the mail merge process. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Mac OS.
Hello everyone, and welcome to your
Word 2016 Mail Merge for Mac series.
My name is Vonne Smith, and in this course
overview, we're going to be talking about
what is in this particular course,
what is our target audience?
I guess, I really should say
who is our target audience?
Anything we need to know
before we get started and
any extra tidbits that I might have for
So this is really one topic,
it's Mail Merge.
This is a deep dive into
the very popular and
very powerful function within
Word is the Mail Merge.
Now if you are thinking mm-hm, why,
I think I've seen some of this before in
the Word Advanced series,
well you are correct.
We have a couple episodes in
there to get you started.
But in this series we're gonna really
dive deep into the data sources.
What does it really mean to have that
data source and those connections.
And the different types of data
connections that you can make, whether
we're using Excel or a CSV file or a TXT
file, maybe even like a FileMaker Pro.
So we're gonna cover all of those
in those particular episodes.
And once we get our data source then
we're gonna learn how to connect that or
create letters and labels,
and envelopes and emails.
And along the way we'll be talking
about how we can add images into that.
So really just kinda taking it
a slower look, a really concise and
extensive look at how we
can perform Mail Merge.
So hope we get into a level of confidence
with this particular functionality.
For you to be able to just blow right
through it because once you do understand
the concepts of it it can become very easy
once you understand why we think is and
why it's doing, what it's doing.
We'll also be covering some rules that
work in Mail Merge, some if, then,
else statements, and
some fill-in things, and some asks.
So all sorts of really neat things
than can really help you take
your Mail Merge to that next level.
So who is this for?
Anybody that uses Word extensively or
really just wants to know
more about mail merge.
This is something that can really
help you automate your task in,
your role within an office setting or
in your small business, or in anywhere.
And so Office users,
that's a capital O with Office 365.
So we will be using that account and
all the different pieces
within the Office 365.
Suite is not necessarily for
you have to be an office person
within a physical building.
You can be in any field of study or
of work that just uses these
pieces of software to help you.
And like I said this is a deep dive into
this particular functionality of Word.
Yes, it's that extensive that we can have
a whole series on just this one part.
Some things that you need to know
about before we get started.
You need to have a basic understanding
of how the operating system works within
a Mac, what is your Finder,
and how to move around it.
But also a foundational knowledge of Word,
Excel, and Outlook cuz we are going
to be covering and using these other
applications when using Mail Merge.
So understanding how to format text,
how to format graphical elements
within your document how.
And what and
why do we use page layouts in Word.
All of these can be found on
other series just like the Excel,
this is a show Excel but we will be
using that in this particular series.
And understanding the CSV file format and
how we can export things and
we're just entering in
data in Excel in general.
Also some basic inner concepts.
Do you know what the inbox is?
Do you know the out box is?
Do you know what sent mail is?
Do you know that you have
contacts within Outlook?
So those are some of the things that we're
going to be kind of covering around within
this series.
So having a base knowledge of some
other products is really going to hel[.
Files and Notes, we have exercise files
that accompany these episodes and
episode notes so
definitely check those out.
You can find all of the files and
the notes that are for
this entire series within
this course overview or
in individual episodes,
you should be able to find that button.
And if there's anything missing or
something's not working just go ahead and
let us know, go ahead and
shoot us an email.
Or type in a help ticket, and let us know
if something's missing so I know and
I can go ahead and fix that.
Now a little note about the files, is that
with this particular series we are going
to be making data connections from
a Word file to an Excel or a CSV file.
Or type in a help ticket and let us know
if something's missing so I know and
I can go ahead and fix that.
Now a little note about the files, is that
with this particular series, we are going
to be making data connections from
a word file to an Excel or a CSV file.
And when you do that you're creating
a path to that particular file format.
It's gonna remember it on my computer.
So when you open it it's going to tell
you that the data file can't be found.
And that the link is broken and
you're going to need to relink it.
Now if you're not sure what I'm talking
about we do cover this in the letters
Mail Merge episode where we
talk about changing sources.
And how to do things when
you have a missing source.
So definitely check that episode out and
to be able to relink.
And that's gonna happen pretty much in all
of your files that I already have a data
source established.
So just wanted to give you
that little FYI on that one.
Some extras, yet
we do have other courses on Excel and
Outlook that are in this library so
definitely check that out.
And Word Advanced or Word X, so
you can kind of re-up on
some of that word knowledge.
There's always other options in these
products and everything in Microsoft, and
computers in general.
So if there's other ways to do
things it probably does exist,
I just might not cover all of them.
Your updates those updates
get me every time.
So if you're seeing something in your
particular environment that is not
being displayed in mine, it might be
that you're on a higher version of
the software than I'm on at this
particular point in the filming.
So just make sure that
you understand that.
And you can always go into your help menu
and check to see if you have updates to go
ahead and get you to the latest and
That's kinda the beauty of
having our Office 365 products.
There's answers out there and
you can search for them.
And so I encourage you to do that and read
up on more about these types of topics.
And different ways to do things, everybody
uses these products for different reasons.
I'm going give you examples as to why
I use them and examples of how I use
the certain functionality of Mail Merge
but you might have some others.
So try to correlate into your need and you
might not need to use every single piece
of this particular service and
that's okay.
Of course to me always having fun,
I like to have fun this episodes.
We like to joke and make things little
light and light and airy for you.
So hopefully go ahead and get those
concepts across.So you can have fun
performing Mail Merges and maybe it won't
be such a daunting task after this.
So definitely have some fun,
stick around and
I hope to see you in
some episodes very soon.
This course takes a deep dive into mail merge within Word 2016 for Mac. Mail merge is a powerful function to batch process personalized letters or emails as well as create mailing labels and envelopes. The hosts take extra time to explain the different types of data sources that can be used, how to create letters and emails, how to add images to envelopes and labels, and apply rules to extend the capabilities of the mail merge process. This series is specifically for locally installed Word 2016 on Mac OS.
Learning Style
On Demand
Length of course
6h 54m
18 Episodes
Here are the topics we'll cover
- Mail Merge for Mac