San Antonio's Ready to Work Program to Help Start an IT Career

Career changers in the San Antonio (Bexar County) area have a leg up on New Year’s resolutions this year compared to workers across the country, as an innovative program called Ready to Work is underway. ACI Learning is excited to connect learners to training programs that will prepare them for careers in IT. Here’s what you need to know…
What is ready to work?
Ready to Work (RTW) is San Antonio’s exclusive and innovative education and job placement program that was established in 2020, after San Antonio voters approved the $200 million program, is funded by a 1/8-cent sales tax. Local employers have pledged support for the program and provide guidance relating to in-demand, well-paid occupations, and relevant training.
Enrollment started in May and lasts through December 2025. Enrolled participants may continue their training and receive support through May 2028.
So far, the initiative has seen 9,203 applicants, with 875 enrolled in approved training.
Who is eligible for ready to work?
Participants must be at least 18 years old, have work status in the U.S., and live within the San Antonio City limits, (further details are residential guidelines are available here).
Further qualifying details require that the household income be no more than 250 percent of the federal poverty guidelines, which means less than $33,975 for an individual, or $69,375 for a household of four.
Participants must demonstrate that they are willing to train and succeed in a career, and must produce certain documents to verify that you are eligible.
I meet the qualifications. How can I participate?
Step One – Apply
Candidates may apply to the program online, by calling 311, or visiting a partner agency.
Step Two - Assessment
Personal coaches help applicants think through needs, confirm program eligibility, and create accounts.
Eligible participants continue in the program to develop career and education plans.
Step Three – What if I do not qualify?
RTW staff refers ineligible applicants to alternative community resources for relevant assistance.
Step Four – Next steps for qualifiers
RTW coaches help participants enroll in and pay for approved classes based on individual skills, education, and desires.
The RTW approved training catalog includes over 900 approved courses offered by over 50 local colleges, universities, and training providers.
RTW coaches offer ongoing support and emergency funding to help participants succeed.
Step Five - Job Placement
RTW coaches help with interview skills, resume preparation and online profiles.
RTW and employers host job fairs and interviews for RTW participants.
Employers are committed to RTW success and are ready to hire RTW participants.
Return to Work and ACI Learning – We’re proud to participate
If you are a resident of Bexar County and you qualify for RTW, ACI Learning staff are ready to help you navigate this opportunity in your career journey. Once you connect with us, a team member will help you to confirm your eligibility and then you can move forward in several ways:
If you come to us already approved for RTW funding, ACI Learning has partnerships with Project Quest, Alamo Colleges, and the Texas Workforce as an approved provider. You will be able to choose to do your training with us in-person or online.
Our San Antonio campus offers Computer User Support Specialist training-only. ACI Learning’s Computer User Support Specialist IT training program is only 10 weeks (about 2 and a half months) long and will prepare you for several certifications that can boost your career prospects by validating your skills.