The year ahead in e-learning: A 2024 guide for academic leaders

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The year ahead in e-learning: A 2024 guide for academic leaders

As we enter 2024, it’s fair to say that academic leaders are still processing the quantum leap of changes and expectations that AI brought to the e-learning scene in 2023. That said, 2024 promises to be a pivotal moment. With technological advancements showing no sign of slowing down, learner expectations pushing for modern solutions, and the continuing evolution of AI’s impact in the sector, the coming year is set to bring about transformation in the way we learn and teach.

In this blog, we will explore the exciting trends and developments that are on the horizon in the world of e-learning, offering a glimpse into what to expect in 2024 and beyond. If our crystal ball is right, we think the world of e-learning is on track to see the most favored learning platforms evolve into the equivalent of a Swiss army knife of solutions, with versatility and utility for all learning styles and needs. Whether you're an educator, a student, a lifelong learner, or simply curious about what’s ahead in e-learning this year, read along for a preview.

AI demands continue

Not many in the academic community knew how much AI would come onto the scene, be adopted widely, and wreak a bit of havoc in 2023. Expect more of the same in 2024, but with more of a widespread response and consideration of best practices, guidelines and ethical considerations, and a huge demand for training and knowledge in all things AI. Here are a few ways AI will grow on the scene in e-learning this year:

  • Seasoned instructors and content creators know that creating eLearning courses can take weeks, which can be a challenge in industries like tech where advancements happen almost daily. New to the scene, AI authoring tools can greatly speed up the content creation process. While it’s not recommended to use AI to write an entire course, it can create a solid foundation to build on, especially if you need to create a lot of content at scale.
  • Another way AI can assist in course creation is by converting volumes of existing content into “smart content” designed for digital consumption by implementing search marketing techniques and using the data in your CRM to create more appealing courses.
  • The incorporation of AI bots and virtual tutors also provides learners with around the clock assistance that can point students in the right direction (or re-direct them) without requiring an instructor to address repetitive questions at all hours.
  • AI is simplifying eLearning grading and assessment by speeding up the most time-consuming task of many instructors, freeing up their time to focus on areas identified as needing more attention by those assessments.
  • eLearning AI can combine with plagiarism detection tools to detect similarities between students’ submitted assignments and past or present assignments submitted by other learners.


One of the most intriguing developments in recent years – and something still advancing constantly - is the integration of advanced gamification elements that leverage artificial intelligence and personalized learning paths. This approach tailors the learning experience to individual learners, adapting content, challenges, and rewards based on their unique progress and preferences. Additionally, the use of immersive technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) has gained momentum, providing learners with interactive, real-world simulations and scenarios, enhancing engagement and knowledge retention. These innovative gamification strategies not only make eLearning more enjoyable and effective but also offer data-driven insights to instructors, enabling them to continually refine and optimize the learning experience.


Personalization in eLearning is advancing through sophisticated data analytics, adaptive learning platforms, and AI-driven content recommendations. Learners today benefit from tailored experiences that consider their unique preferences, progress, and learning styles. These systems collect and analyze data on learner interactions and performance, allowing for the automatic adjustment of content difficulty, pacing, and format to match individual needs. AI algorithms can suggest additional resources or modules based on a learner's strengths and weaknesses, fostering a more efficient and engaging educational journey. As personalization continues to evolve, eLearning is becoming increasingly adaptive, responsive, and user-centric, offering learners a more effective and satisfying educational experience.

Continuous skill development – the momentum continues

In 2023, over 70 percent of respondents to a survey done by Test Gorilla agreed that all forms of skills-based hiring are more effective than resumes. The study went on to say that skills-based hiring and development will continue to grow in the coming years. “Skills-based hiring delivers measurable benefits across the recruitment process. Skills-based hiring provides solutions where resumes fall short. Most employers say it is faster, more cost-effective, and significantly reduces the chances of a mis-hire,” according to the Test Gorilla report. In this modern era of automation and digital transformation, skills become quickly outdated, making it essential for employees to continually acquire new competencies to remain competitive and relevant. Organizations recognize that investing in their employees' ongoing learning and upskilling not only fosters employee retention and job satisfaction but also boosts productivity and innovation. Moreover, in a global economy where talent is an asset, demonstrating a commitment to skill development can attract and retain top talent, making it a strategic imperative for companies to keep their workforce updated and adaptable in the face of change.

Increased outsourcing of e-learning content development

Developing e-learning content in-house can be time-consuming and expensive, which is what has brought the rise in tendency for organizations to outsource this process. Outsourcing content development saves both time and money while ensuring high-quality content. This trend is expected to continue growing in 2024 as more companies recognize the benefits of outsourcing their e-learning needs. Outsourcing the development of e-learning content can bring numerous benefits, including cost-effectiveness by tapping into external expertise and reducing in-house development expenses. It allows access to a broader talent pool with specialized skills in instructional design, multimedia production, and learning technology, ensuring high-quality content. Outsourcing can expedite development timelines, making it more efficient, and enable organizations to focus on their core competencies. External providers can offer fresh perspectives and the latest industry trends. Outsourcing also allows for scalability and flexibility, as it permits rapid adjustments to meet changing training needs and helps organizations stay current.

Learning Experience Platforms (LXP)

Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) are a key area to watch in 2024. LXPs are online platforms that provide a personalized and engaging learning experience for users. With features like AI-driven personalization, gamification, and data analytics, these platforms offer interactive and tailored learning content. LXPs also prioritize collaboration and adaptability, allowing learners to connect with peers, share resources, and progress at their own pace. In the coming year, we can anticipate learning experience platforms (LXPs) to continue to prioritize personalization, leveraging AI and data analytics to tailor content and learning pathways to individual learners. LXPs will likely enhance their integration capabilities, seamlessly connecting with a broader range of learning management systems, HR software, and other tools to provide a unified learning ecosystem. Also, LXPs are likely to place a stronger emphasis on content curation and user-generated content, empowering learners to contribute and curate knowledge within the platform. Overall, LXPs are poised to become more versatile, user-centric, and technologically advanced, supporting a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

What can you do now to serve e-learners in 2024?

  1. Invest in infrastructure and technology: Academic leaders should prioritize upgrading their institution's technological infrastructure. This includes ensuring robust internet connectivity, providing adequate devices for both students and faculty, and implementing cutting-edge learning management systems (LMS) that can support a variety of e-learning formats. By having a strong foundation in place, universities and schools can better handle the demands of e-learning in 2024.
  2. Professional development for educators: To meet the evolving needs of e-learning, academic leaders should offer extensive professional development opportunities for educators. This can include training on effective online teaching methods, digital tools, and strategies for creating engaging e-learning content. Empowering faculty with the necessary skills and knowledge will enhance the quality of online education.
  3. Content adaptation and accessibility: Ensure that educational content is adaptable to various e-learning formats and accessible to all students, including those with disabilities. Content should be designed with a focus on engagement and interactivity to create a more immersive e-learning experience. This not only improves learning outcomes but also accommodates diverse learning styles.
  4. Data analytics and assessment tools: Implement data analytics and assessment tools to monitor student progress and engagement in e-learning environments. These tools can help identify areas where students may be struggling and provide early intervention to ensure their success. Academic leaders should also use this data to continually improve the quality of e-learning offerings.
  5. Cybersecurity measures: With the increasing reliance on digital platforms, academic institutions must prioritize cybersecurity. Implement stringent security measures to protect sensitive student and faculty data. Regularly update and review security protocols to safeguard against cyber threats, ensuring that e-learning platforms are a safe and secure space for learning.

By taking these proactive steps, academic leaders can better prepare their institutions for the e-learning demands expected in 2024 and beyond. This will not only benefit students and faculty but also contribute to the long-term success and resilience of educational institutions.


eLearning Trends In 2024: The Future Of Education - eLearning Industry

(18) 7 Easy Tips Emerging E-Learning Trends: Shaping the Future of Education. | LinkedIn

The Future of e-Learning: 10 Trends to Watch Out For in 2024 - Cliché Magazine (

6 Ways Artificial Intelligence is Shaping eLearning in 2023 - Sensei LMS

The State of Skills-Based Hiring 2022 - TestGorilla

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